What is a User Group? Quoting Apple: “People who use Apple technologies have joined together in user groups all around the world. User groups offer members the chance to become friends with other Mac users, get questions answered, and have a lot of fun. Groups are for everyone from first-time computer users to experts—from every profession, background, and age. Want technology to do more for you? Join the club. Find a user group near you.”
MacNexus, Sacramento’s Apple User Group, really started at the computer counter in Weinstock’s department store where MacNexus founder and first president Gail McGovern struck up friendships with several future members. During the early years, the group meetings outgrew several locations and a Saturday workshop was introduced. While Weinstock’s didn’t survive (it was swallowed by Macy’s), the MacNexus user group has flourished over the years. There are currently about 300 members.
Generally, the Wednesay evening meetings feature a speaker on a particular software or a hardware device. The Saturday workshops have two main activities. There are classes on various Apps or advice on how to get the most from your Apple devices. Everything is done by volunteers, e.g. members helping members. All meetings are virtual using Zoom
WITS (Women in Technological Sisterhood) is a special interest group for women who want to experience learning opportunities in a smaller, friendly environment. All members are invited to participate. WITS often lunch together after their Saturday morning meeting.
Go back to the front page of this website to check current dates and location of our meetings.
If you are interested in joining, you can download a brochure from here. Or you can join at a meeting or workshop. If it will help you to decide, feel free to attend one or two meetings and/or workshops to get the flavor of MacNexus. Note: The brochure contains specific instructions about joining.
TO CONTACT MACNEXUS: Our mailing address is PO Box 163058, Sacramento CA 95816. You can email us at macnexusinfo@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/macnexus